Chromium: Googleブラウザfor Mac & Linux!
Royal HeHe2-ness!:Chromium: Google’s Browser on Linux and Mac! Macユーザ,Lnuxユーザは9/2にがっかりした事だろう. 彼らは閉め出され,一方の有名なwindowsユーザが支持された. GoogleブラウザChromeは,インターネットに衝撃をもたらした. 皆が使い,DiggはChromeの進出に浸った. テックブログは意見し,方法論が右翼,左翼に分かれた. 皆盛り上がっていたが,LinuxとMacユーザは例外だ! I am sure a lot of Linux and Mac users were a bit disappointed on September the 2nd, they were shut out in favor of their more popular counterparts; Windows users. Google’s browser, Chrome, took the Internet by storm. Everybody was talking about it, Digg got swamped with Chrome submissions, Tech blogs were buzzing about it, theories were thrown left and right. Everybody was in for the action, except for Linux and Mac users! しかし,Codeweavers CEOのJeremy Whiteは,この問題に取り組んだ. 9/4にChromium(Chromeのバックにあるオープンソースプロジェクト)をLinuxとMacに迅速に対応するように要請した. 長い話になったが,簡単には,Chromiumは11日間限定だ! 若いワインが熟成したのだ! However Jeremy White, the CEO of Codeweavers, decided to take matters into his own hands. So on September 4th he summoned his army to get Chromium (which...