Messenger for Macのアップデート

Mac Mojo:An Update on Messenger for Mac
Dec 18, 2008 10:22 AM

少しの時間を頂いて,Messenger for Macについての進捗状況をお知らせします.
今年,我々はビデオチャットをコーポレートアカウント(Office Communication Serverで稼働)でサポートしました.
現在はビデオサポートをパーソナルサービス(Windows Liveサービスと連動する)の構築にあたっています.

I wanted to take a moment and share with you the progress we are making with Messenger for Mac. This year we successfully delivered Audio and Video (A/V) support in the corporate service (works with Office Communications Server) of Messenger for Mac 7. We are now on the path to implement A/V support in the personal service (which will work with Windows Live service), and uses the same protocol as the corporate service.

時期Windows Live Messenger(Windows用.現在はbeta)が新しいプロトコルを採用し,Messenger for Macとのビデオチャットが可能となります.
Windows Live Messengerとのプラットフォーム互換性を備えています.
これは大きな出来事であり,我々のMessenger for Mac開発を奮い立たせます.

I'm glad to say that the upcoming release of Windows Live Messenger, currently in beta, delivers the new A/V protocol that enables us to deliver A/V support in Messenger for Mac. It is cross-platform compatible and will work with Windows Live Messenger. This is a huge milestone that will enable us to continue moving forward with Messenger for Mac development.


We are very excited to be able to bring A/V support to the personal service. Our plan is to deliver a beta version of A/V in 2009. We are also working on additional features in both the personal and corporate service of Messenger for Mac for the next version of Messenger. We’ll provide more updates and details in a future blog post.


Since we can’t wait and are dying to share with you the progress we’ve made so far, at Macworld we hope to have a live demo of the A/V work we have completed to date in the personal service of Messenger for Mac. So please come on by the MacBU booth at Macworld!


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