Apple uses IBM servers for iTunes Store and iCloud

No surprise, Apple uses huge number of IBM servers for iTunes Store and iCloud etc, maybe in the "iDataCenter".

You can find the clues at
"Find and export prices" > "Export all prices as .csv"
search "Apple" in the .csv file.
There are many special server parts for Apple and they belong with:
IBM System x3250 M5
IBM System x3650 M4 BD
IBM System x3850/x3950 X5
IBM System x3630 M4
IBM System x3530 M4
IBM BladeCenter HS23
IBM iDataPlex dx360 M4 server
IBM iDataPlex dx360 M4 2U chassis
IBM System x3550 M4
IBM System x3650 M4
IBM System x3650 M3
IBM System x3750 M4
IBM Flex System x240 Compute Node
IBM BladeCenter H

The most interesting parts is "Apple iTunes Bios/Firmware" in IBM System x3650 M3.
Why iTunes needs particular Bios?


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