
10 tricks to make Faster Vista Windows
By Carlos Leopoldo

もしWindows Vistaを使った事があるなら,1Gのメモリを積んでいても非常に重いのがわかるだろう.
Windows XPは非常に速かったのに...

Surely if you use Vista Windows in anyone of its versions you give account that auqneu you have a computer with 1 GB of ram is very slow however with Windows XP would be very fast, and look for the way to optimize Vista Windows, you arrived at the correct place, these are 10 of the best tricks to optimize Vista Windows.



1. It deactivates the indexed service of of Vista Windows
The indexed service of of Windows constantly is repaando all the archives of the system to quickly have it available in the search. This seriously affects the rendimineto of the operating system. Steps to deactivate:
Beam click in the menu beginning, soon in equipment.
Beam click with the right button in disc C:
In the general eyelash the disc unmarks “To allow to server index indiza to accelerate the search”
In the picture of subsequent dialogue it marks the option “to include subfolders and archives”

2.Remote Differential Compressionの無効化
Remote Differential Compressionは特殊な機能で,ネットワーク上のファイルの差分を計り,

Remote Differential Compressionのチェックを外し,「適応」

2.It deactivates the Compression remote differential
The Compression remote differential the unique thing that does is to measure the changes in files on a network to transfer them with a minimum bandwidth instead of the transference of a whole file that has moved previously, goes does not serve as much. Steps to deactivate this service:
It soon sees Control Panel to Programs and characteristics
Beam click in “Activating or deactivating the characteristics of Windows”
That will cause that it appears a new window in which will be to deshabilitar the square “Compression remote differential”.

3.Windows Defenderの自動起動の無効化
Windows Defenderのリアルタイム保護は自動起動を無効化しないと,動き続ける.

コントロールパネル-Windows Defender

3.It deactivates the automatic execution of Windows Defender
The protection in real time of Windows Defender against malware continues executing itself in spite of we have deactivated its automatic execution. In order to deactivate completely it is necessary it to follow these steps:
It abre the Control Panel
It selects Windows Defender
It sees tools in the menu superior
It selects options
It unmarks to initiate automatically when it initiates Windows



4.To deactivate the automatic desfragmentación of the hard disk
Vista Windows defragments your hard disk to you without the need that you do your it manually, but it is this necessary one? you it can do every week manually. Steps to deactivate it:
Beam click in the menu beginning, soon in equipment.
Beam click with the right button in disc C:
In the eyelash tools it unmarks “to program”



5.It adds a flash memory USB of 2 GB or to more take advantage of the advantages Windows Ready Boost (Memory I broke additional)
ReadyBoost lets to users use a memory Flash like Virtual ram memory to improve the system without having abrir the PC, ReadyBoost Windows can improve the operation of the system because it can recover the data kept in the flash memory faster than to recover of the hard disk, diminishing the time of delay so that your PC responds. Steps to activate ReadyBoost.
It inserts a flash memory USB
Beam click in beginning and soon in equipment
Beam click straight on the memory
It selects the ReadyBoost eyelash
Elije to utiliar this device
It selects the space that you want to assign to him



6.It deactivates the hibernation of Windows
The services in background of the hibernation of Windows use too many resources, if regularly you do not use the hibernation of you can deactivate it to Windows following these simple steps:
It enters the Control Panel, soon options of energy
Click in changing configuration of the plan
Click in changing to configuration energy outpost
It sells the selection to sleep
After the selection it sells to hibernate
It drags the selector up to zero
Click in applying



7.To deactivate restoration of the system
The analyses and creation of points of restoration of the system consume great amounts of resources obvious, deshabilitando this service signficaría smaller consumption of resource, steps to do it:
It sees Control Panel, soon system
It selects protection of the system in the left panel and we have the window that shows the hard disk to us with a mark the left
We unmark and we give To apply. We already can close and ready.

8.ユーザアカウント制御l (UAC)の無効化
Vistaの特徴的な騒がしい機能がユーザアカウント制御 (UAC)だ.


8.It deactivates User Access Control (UAC) Control of user accounts
One of the characteristics that bother more when beginning to use Vista Windows is UAC (User Control Access). It is the cause of annoying messages as “an identified program does not wish to have access to this equipment” or “It needs to confirm this operation”.
Beam click in Beginning and soon in Control Panel
There it sees Accounts of user and infantile protection
Later to Accounts of user
It enters To activate or to deactivate the Control of user accounts, and unmarks the square “To use the Control of user accounts (UAC) to help to protect the equipment”.


Security Center
Remote registry
Office source engine

Superfetch (有名機能ですが,止めるとかなり軽くなる)

9.It deactivates unnecessary services that are executed at the beginning of Vista Windows
The steps and the services that we can deactivate are the following (if some of you need it to them you do not deactivate it):
It enters the Control Panel
It selects Administrative Tools
It chooses Configuration of the system
Beam click in the eyelash of services
You can deactivate without no problem the following services:
Service and technical support
Information of errors
Center of Security
Registry and alert of yield
Remote registry
Office source engine
Remote writing-desk
Registries of events
Service of coding


タブレットPC用コンポーネント(Home Basicには無い)
WIndows DFSレプリケーションサービス

10.It deactivates unnecessary characteristics of Vista Windows
There are some typical that Vista Windows brings that some people do not need, and of they can deactivate to improve the yield of the system, the steps and the characteristics are the following:
It soon sees Control Panel to Programs and characteristics:
It selects characteristics:
Soon in qualifying or deshabilitar characteristic of Windows:
You can deactivate the following:
Indexed service of
Remote difrencial compression
Optional components for TabletPC
Service of replication Windows DFS
Fax of Windows
Windows Meeting Space


Bonus: You can cause that Vista Windows takes more express if you have a processor of more than 1 nucleus.


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