
takebacktheweb:15 People Who Changed the Internet (Revised Version) From Tbtw Jump to: navigation, search


When you turn on your modem or connect to a Wi-Fi access, you are already online which allows access to the Internet. I previously wrote a post about this at 10 Young People Who Changed the Internet. However, I have to admit that I made lots of mistakes in that post, and this post is to make up for it. So, here goes:

1. Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google Inc.)

Larry PageとSergey Brinはインターネットの歴史のなかで一番成功した起業家/開発者の一人だ.
これら二人のスタンフォード大博士は,Menlo Park, Californiaのガレージで起業した.

Perhaps two of the brightest and outstanding billionaires out there, Sergey Brin and Larry Page are one of the world’s most successful Internet entrepreneur/developer ever in history. As the owners of popular web search engine, Google, these two Ph.Ds from Stanford University started in their friend’s garage in Menlo Park, California. Google was first launched on Stanford’s website (google.stanford.edu) and then finally on Google.com as soon as they registered the domain name in 1997. Thus, Google is born and worth at about a staggering $25 billion dollars.

2. Sir Tim Berners-Lee (Created World Wide Web)

Sir Tim Berners-Leeは前回と同じくエントリーした.英語を誇りに思う,英国人だ.
彼はWorld Wide Webを作った開発者だ.

Sitting at #2 is Sir Tim Berners-Lee, an Englishman whom the English will be proud of. He is a developer who invented the World Wide Web. Sir Tim Berners-Lee is also the founder of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology which comprises of companies that are willing to create standards and improvements of the Web.

3. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)

その後すぐにIvy League schoolsやBostonの学会に広めて行った.

One of the most admired and successful youngster of this century, this 24 years old Harvard graduate is the world’s youngest billionaire. He founded the online social networking website, Facebook, which has poised threats to leading social networking site, MySpace and has collapsed other smaller sites. Zuckerberg launched TheFacebook (FaceMatch) from his Harvard dorm room in 2004 and started promoting it to all Ivy League schools and some Boston institutions. Soon, he bought over Facebook.com domain name. However, few of his old Harvard friends claimed they hired Zuckerberg to write codes for their website, ConnectU which has the same functions with Facebook. As there are no contracts or whatsoever, the lawsuit was dismissed in 2007. Mark Zuckerberg has an approximate net worth of $1.5 billion dollars.

4. Shawn Fanning (Napster, Rupture)

の設立者,Shawn Fanningはコンピュータエンジニアで,
彼がまだBostonのNortheastern Universityにいた頃にNapstarを開発した.
しかし,音楽業界からの告訴により,Napstarは2006年12月にRoxio Incの傘下に入った.
現在はRupture開発の後押し, World of Warcraft(オンラインゲーム)のSNSツールの開発などを行っている.

Inventor of Napster, the first popular peer-to-peer file sharing platform. Shawn Fanning, a computer programmer, developed Napster when he was still pursuing his studies in Northeastern University, Boston. However, due to several lawsuits by music industry-backed sectors, Napster has then become property of Roxio Inc. In December 2006, Fanning developed Rupture, a social networking tool that facilitates profiles and communications of online gamers in World of Warcraft.

5. Kevin Rose (Digg)

理想家でTVのホストを勤めるKevin Roseは,Diggユーザと彼のTVのファン全員に大きな衝撃を与えた.
彼は昔,G4TV’s The Screen Savers (後のAttack of the Show)のホストの一人であった.
彼は,Digg(ソーシャルブックマークサイト)で人気だったPownce and Revision3の共同創立者でもあった.
DiggはOmidyar Network, Netscape 共同設立者のMarc Andreessen,Greylock Partnersなどのベンチャーキャピタルなどから,

Perhaps one of the most biggest losers of the internet, idealist and TV show host, Kevin Rose is definitely placed a huge impacts among all Digg users, and his TV shows fans. He used to co-host G4TV’s The Screen Savers (which later renamed to Attack of the Show) and then, left the network in 2005. He also co-founded Pownce and Revision3 besides his popular Digg.com, social-bookmarking website. He created Digg in 2004 by hiring a freelance programmer who Kevin Rose paid $12 per hour through eLance. Kevin Rose later bought Digg.com domain name for $1,200 and then went on to buy larger server space. Digg received an ultra boost of capitals when they received $2.8 million of venture capital from Omidyar Network, Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen and Greylock Partners.

6. Matt Mullenweg (WordPress)

Matt MullenwegがWordpressを作っていなかったら,このブログも存在しなかっただろう.

This blog might not even exist if Matt Mullenweg did not invented WordPress, an open-source blogging software. He also founded Automattic, the business behind WordPress as well as famous spam fighter, Akismet. At the age of 24, this young developer quitted his job at CNET to fully focus on developing WordPress’ blogging platform. He firstly invented the core of WordPress ath the age of 19 and as WordPress matures, many bloggers are leaving other blogging platforms to use WordPress.

7. Bram Cohen (BitTorrent)

Bram Cohenは開発者として,
その仕事も辞め,兄弟とビジネスパートナーと共にBitTorrent Incに戻った.

Bram Cohen is best known as the developer, co-founder and author behind peer-to-peer BitTorrent protocol and its file sharing program. He is also the co-founder of CodeCon and co-author of Codeville. In 2001, he quits his job at MojoNation to work in BitTorrent. He firstly revealed his ideas in a CodeCon conference and started luring beta testers by collecting free pornography. He then spent some time working with Valve, but quits his job later to work in BitTorrent Inc.with his brother and business partner.

8. Pierre Omidyar (eBay)

Pierre Omidyarは売り手と買い手をつなげる,オンラインオークションeBayの設立者である.
最初にオークションの名前をEcho Bayと決めたとき,echobay.comというドメインは取得出来なかった.

Pierre Omidyar is the founder of eBay, an online auctioning marketplace that connects buyers and sellers. With a net worth of about $7.7 billion dollars, Omidyar and his wife Pam, are one of those entrepreneurs that go beyonds doing profits, which is by contributing to non-profits organizations and aiding start-ups. He wrote the source code of eBay when he was 28 years old in 1995. Initially, he decided to name his auction site after his consulting firm, Echo Bay but echobay.com was not available. To save up his Internet service provider cost, he registered eBay.com.

9. Mike Morhaime (Blizzard Entertainment - World of Warcraft)

Mike Morhaimeは成功しているゲーム会社のBlizzard Entertainmentの社長だ.
同社は人気オンラインゲームWorld of Warcraft (WoW)を出している.

Michael Morhaime is the President of Blizzard Entertainment, a successful computer games company that created the all-popular online gaming fantasy, World of Warcraft (WoW). WoW has over 10 million online gamers, raking Morhaime at least $1.5 billion every year.

10. Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia)

10番目はWikipediaの共同設立者, Jimmy Walesである.
Jimmy Walesは最初,限定公開のオープン百科事典,Nupediaを始めた.

At # 10 is Jimmy Wales, the co-founder of Wikipedia, the online open-content encyclopedia which is founded in 2001. He is also the co-founder of Wikia, a privately own web hosting company set up in 2004. Jimmy Wales firstly started a peer-reviewed, open-content encyclopedia which is Nupedia. He then, utilized the ideas of Nupedia with his “wiki” software to form today’s Wikipedia.

11. Craig Newmark (Craigslist)

Craig NewmarkはCraigslistを開発した,インターネット開拓者の一人だ.

Craig Newmark is an Internet entrepreneur that invented the Craigslist. With over 14.1 million pageviews a month, Craigslist.org is one of the most visited website on the Internet. Craigslist is a centralized network of communities, featuring free advertisements and forums on various topics.

12. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen (YouTube)

Chad Hurley and Steve Chenは超有名なオンライン動画共有サイトYouTubeの設立者だ.
Chad Hurleyは昔,eBayのPayPalデザイン部門におり,PayPalのロゴデザインも行っている.
同じくPayPalで一緒だったJared KarimとSteve Chenと共に,2005年にYouTubeを設立した.
YouTubeを設立したとき,Chad Hurleyは28才で,Steve Chenは27才だった.

Chad Hurley and Steve Chen are the founders of super popular online video streaming and sharing website, YouTube. Chad Hurley used to work for eBay’s PayPal in the designing department where he designed PayPal’s logo. Together with PayPal colleagues, Jared Karim and Steve Chen, they founded YouTube in 2005. Google later acquires YouTube at $1.65 billion dollars. Chad Hurley was 28 years old and Steve Chen was 27 years old when they founded YouTube.

13. David Filo and Jerry Yang (Yahoo! Inc)

David FiloとJerry Yangによって設立された.
Jerryはインターネットに“Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web”

Yahoo! is also founded by 2 Stanford University’s Electrical engineer graduates, namely David Filo and Jerry Yang. Jerry Yang started by started a list of web pages on the Internet and it was named “Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web”. Then, they decided to switch to Yahoo! and the initial URL was at akebono.stanford.edu/yaho. In December 1994, that particular website had already received over a million hits. Realizing its potential, David Filo and Jerry Yang got serious and diversified Yahoo! as a web portal. David Filo’s net worth is $2.9 billion dollars and Jerry Yang’s is $2.3 billion dollars.

14. Jack Ma (Alibaba)

#14はAlibaba Group COO,Jack Maだ.
Alibaba GroupはeBayそっくりなオンラインオークションサイト,TaoBao.comを設立した.

Sitting at # 14 is Jack Ma, the founder and Chief Operating Officer of the Alibaba Group. He founded Alibaba.com in 1999, which is a China-based business marketplace site that serves international businesses. Alibaba Group then founded TaoBao.com, which is an online auction website that is pretty much similar to eBay and instead of paying through PayPal, TaoBao’s currency is AliPay. Yahoo Inc. then acquires a staggering 40% stakes worth over $1 billion dollars.

15. Jeff Preston Bezos (Amazon)

Jeff PrestonはAmazon.comの設立者であり,議長であり,社長であり,CEOでもある.

Jeff Bezos is the founder, chairman of board, president and the chief executive officer of Amazon.com, a major e-commerce company that sells goods through the Internet. His net worth is currently at a staggering $8.2 billion dollars.


That’s all for the Top 15. Any ideas, suggestions or feedbacks are welcome. Just leave me a comment.
P.S. The list is randomly arranged according to who first came into my mind at the time I am writing this post. Thanks


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