
ars technica:Parallels cuts virtualization down to the bare metal on Xserve
By Chris Foresman

Parallels server for Mac Bare Metalエディションは,
OSX, windows, Linuxの仮想マシンを,
ホストOSのOSX serverのオーパーヘッドなしで作成できるとされていた.

Parallels, known for its virtualization solutions for both desktops and servers, has announced another option for creating virtual servers on Apple's Xserve. The recently announced Parallels Server for Mac Bare Metal Edition lets admins create Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux virtual servers without the overhead of running Mac OS X Server as a host OS.

Parallels server for Mac Bare Metalエディションは,

Parallels Server for Mac Bare Metal Edition utilizes the company's own hypervisor to provide both hardware virtualization for creating independent virtual machines running either Mac OS X Server, Windows, or Linux, as well as OS virtualization for running Linux-based Virtuozzo containers. An included virtual machine migration tool makes it easy to move virtual machines from one physical machine to another, or encapsulate entire environments from a physical server into a virtual machine. Configuration templates enable creating new virtual servers with a just a few mouse clicks.

と,Parallels CEO Serguei Beloussovは書面で述べた.
Beloussovはさらに,Appleの製品がIT管理者をOSX serverを利用するようになる.

"The 33 percent year-on-year increase in sales of Macintosh computers reported by Apple this quarter indicates a growing interest in Apple hardware," Parallels CEO Serguei Beloussov said in a statement. Beloussov added that the product allows IT admins to capitalize on Mac OS X server while also having the flexibility to run Windows and Linux workloads.

Bare Metalエディションの面白い機能として,
webホスティング会社向けにOSX serverベースの仮想プライベートサーバを可能にしていることだ.
ホスティング会社のGo Daddyは昨日のparallelsサミット2010カンフェレンスで,
Bare MEtalエディションを用いてOSX server VPSを提供すると発表した.

One interesting application of the Bare Metal Edition is that it enables Web hosting companies to offer Mac OS X Server-based virtual private servers. VPSs are usually one option in between an expensive dedicated server and the more common, inexpensive shared Web hosting accounts. Hosting company Go Daddy announced yesterday during Parallels Summit 2010 conference that it will begin offering Mac OS X Server VPS service to its customers using Bare Metal Edition.

Parallels Server for Mac Bare MetalエディションはVT-xをサポートするintelMacで動作できる.
推奨環境はXserveとMac Proで,最大限のパフォーマンスを引き出せる.
もし仮想化の為にXserveかMac Proを検討しているのであれば,
Parallels Virtual Automationと一年のゴールドサポート込みで,

Parallels Server for Mac Bare Metal Edition can run on any Intel-based Mac that supports VT-x, though it is recommended for Xserves or Mac Pros for the maximum benefit. If you have an Xserve or Mac Pro that you've been considering targeting for virtualization, you can download a free trial version today. Standard licensing, which includes Parallels Virtual Automation and one year of Gold support, costs $1,999.

Dell mini 10vが届いてから,ブログは通勤電車で書いています.


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