BlackBerry 9500はiPhoneより高解像度

GIZMODO:Touchscreen BlackBerry Thunder Is BlackBerry 9500, Has Higher Res Screen Than iPhone

RIMの"アップルキラー",タッチスクリーンBlackBerry Thunderの情報が少しリークされた.
正式なモデルナンバーはBlackBerry 9500,タッチスクリーンでiPhoneより少し解像度が高い.
OS4.7.0を搭載(BlackBerry BoldはOS4.6.0)

A bit more tricklage on RIM's "Apple Killer," the touchscreen BlackBerry Thunder: The official model number is the BlackBerry 9500, and the touchscreen is a bit higher res than the iPhone's (360x480 to 320x480). It'll be running OS 4.7.0 (the Bold runs 4.6). As we inch closer to the September release date expect to hear a lot more, since RIM's ship ain't exactly the tightest one on the seven seas. [BlackBerry News]


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