IBMはMS Officeを捨てる

Linux Magazine:IBM Throws Out Microsoft Office
by Britta Wuelfing Sep 12, 2009

36万人のIBM職員は,MS Officeを止め,
Open OfficeベースのSymphonyにスイッチするつもりだ.

360.000 IBM workers have been told to stop using Microsoft Office and switch to the Open Office-based software Symphony.

MS Officeの使用は,将来的に管理者の認可が必要になる.
これですぐに,Open Document Format (ODF)がIBMのルールになり,.doc(MS Office Word形式)は過去のものとなる.

Quoting an inside source, the German economic newspaper, “Handelsblatt” reports that staff at IBM have been given ten days to change to Symphony, IBM's in-house Lotus software. The use of Microsoft Office will in future require managerial approval. With immediate affect, the Open Document Format (ODF) will rule at IBM with the file ending .doc soon belonging to the past.

Lotus SymphonyはOpen Officeを大幅にカスタマイズしたものだ.

Lotus Symphony is an office software that incorporates huge chunks of customized Open Office without a databank module. The free software download provided by IBM is an attempt at luring customers away from Microsoft. IBM's cooperation with Linux distributors like Red Hat, Canonical and Novell was designed to strengthen the software's market chances.


IBM's management have obviously decided to practice what they preach. 330.000 IBM workers already use Symphony, reports the newspaper. The motive for the migration appears not to be the saving of license fees, and according to an IBM press officer, the move is a clear statement in appreciation of open source standards.



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