KVMはRHEL 5.4の羽

ars technica:KVM is the feather in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4

Red Hat has released RHEL 5.4, a major point update of its commercial Linux distribution. This version introduces support for KVM, a significant milestone in Red Hat's evolving virtualization strategy.

By Ryan Paul | Last updated September 3, 2009 10:44 AM CT

Red HatはRHEL 5.4をリリースした.
Red HatがXenによる仮想化を進めるために,重要なマイルストーンだ.

Red Hat announced Wednesday the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4, a new major point update of the company's popular commercial Linux distribution. This version introduces official support for KVM and marks an important milestone in Red Hat's gradual transition away from Xen.

KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine)はオープンソースの,

KVM, the Kernel-based Virtual Machine, is an open source framework that brings native full virtualization to the Linux kernel. It is primarily designed for the x86 architecture (though others are supported) and takes advantage of processor virtualization extensions. It has been part of the mainline Linux kernel since 2.6.20 and has become the favored virtualization solution of the upstream kernel community.

とRed Hatはblodで説明した.
管理,SELinuxセキュリティ,Red Hatネットワークなどのシステムツールは,

"Because KVM is integrated into the Linux kernel, it takes full advantage of the operating environment," Red Hat explains in a blog entry. "This includes hardware and application support. Hardware and software certified on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 should be transparently certified for virtual guests as well. System tools, including management, SELinux security and Red Hat Network all work in both physical, virtual, host and guest deployments."

Red Hatは既に人気のXen仮想化ソリューションを統合し,
ここ数年で,Red Hatの方向性は技術的にも,潜在的にもKVMに向かっている.
CitrixとMicrosoftの密接な関係が,Red Hatを変えたのだ.

Red Hat was previously closely aligned with the popular Xen virtualization solution and made Xen a core part of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, which was released in 2007. Over the past few years, Red Hat's allegiances have shifted towards KVM for reasons that are likely both technical and political. XenSource, the company behind Xen, was acquired by Citrix in late 2007. The close ties between Citrix and Microsoft could potentially have created some challenges for Red Hat.

去年Red Hat仮想化戦略はQumranetを買収することで本格化した.
Red HatはXenとKVMを手始めに,Qumranet社のソフトを自社のものへシフトさせてきた.
RHEL 5.4のKVMサポートは,Red Hat独自のKVM仮想化ソリューションであり,

The Linux vendor developed an interest in KVM and began contributing to the project. Last year, Red Hat's virtualization strategy got a major boost when the company acquired Qumranet, the company behind KVM. Red Hat started down a path of gradually shifting its enterprise software ecosystem from Xen to KVM. The introduction of KVM in RHEL 5.4, which makes Red Hat's stand-alone KVM virtualization solution a standard part of the enterprise distro, is a noteworthy milestone in that transition.

「RHELはRed Hat仮想化戦略の重要な担い手である」と,
Red Hat platform business unit vice presidentのScott Crenshawは書面で答えた.
「仮想化技術を備えたRHLE 5.4の能力は,市場に仮想化を投入する非常に重要なものだ」

"Red Hat Enterprise Linux plays a significant role in Red Hat's virtualization strategy," said Red Hat platform business unit vice president Scott Crenshaw in a statement. "The availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 with the same virtualization technology base as Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization today is a significant step in our delivery of virtualization to the market."

XenはRHLE 6のKVMの陰で消えてしまうだろう.
この移行はRed HatのXenユーザーを閉め出すということではない.
なぜならRed Hatのサポート周期はRHLE 5を数年サポートすることは明らかだからである.
Red Hatの仮想化管理ツールは,oVirtを含み,XenとKVMどちらもサポートする.

Xen will likely be phased out in favor of KVM for RHEL 6. This move won't leave Red Hat's current Xen users out in the cold, however, because the lengthy duration of Red Hat's support cycle will ensure that it continues to be maintained in RHEL5 for years to come. There is also a nifty tool called Xenner that makes it possible to run a Xen kernel and lightweight Xen emulator inside of a KVM guest environment without requiring the Xen hypervisor. Red Hat's virtualization management tools, including oVirt, support both Xen and KVM.



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