
new york times:Intel Is Said to Plot an Executive OverhaulBy Ashlee Vance

それとは別に,Intelは企業グループのSVP, Pat Gelsingerが離職すると発表した.

Intel is expected to reveal a sweeping management change on Monday, according to people briefed on the company’s plans. Among other changes, the chip maker will announce that Pat Gelsinger, the senior vice president in charge of Intel’s enterprise group, is leaving Intel after 30 years in a variety of roles, these people said.

とWal Street journalが伝えた.

Mr. Gelsinger is moving to EMC, where he will take over storage-products operations and some other units, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal. In the past, Mr. Gelsinger has served as Intel’s chief technology officer and the head of its research division.

Gelsingerの離職により,セールス&マーケティングのトップ,Sean Maloneyが最も重要な役割を担うだろう.
ラップトップチップ部門トップのDadi Perlmutterは,全てのチップ開発をまとめるだろう.

As Mr. Gelsinger departs, Sean Maloney, Intel’s head of sales and marketing, will take on an even larger role at the company, the people said. All of Intel’s major chip businesses, including its PC, graphics and server chips, will fall under Mr. Maloney, while Dadi Perlmutter, the head of Intel’s laptop chips, will now oversee engineering for all the chip divisions.

MaloneyはPaul S. Otellini(前CEO)の後継者であると噂されていた.

Mr. Maloney has been considered a likely successor to Intel’s current chief executive, Paul S. Otellini.


Mr. Gelsinger’s departure may come as a surprise to many given his string of prominent positions at the company. Intel often relied on Mr. Gelsinger to help explain its down-and-dirty engineering work to a nontechnical audience at news events.

IntelスポークスマンChuck Mulloyは,この交代劇へのコメントを避けた.

An Intel spokesman, Chuck Mulloy, declined to comment on the executive changes. Mr. Gelsinger was not immediately reachable for comment.


Update: In a statement issued Monday morning, Intel confirmed the executive changes. The company added that it has created an organization called the Intel Architecture Group, which will cover all of its major product divisions. Mr. Maloney will lead the business operations of this group, while Mr. Perlmutter will head engineering and product development.

前サーバーチップ コーマネジャのTom Kilroyは,Maloneyの後を継いでセールス&マーケティングのトップとなる.

Tom Kilroy, the previous co-manager of Intel’s server chip group, will take over Mr. Maloney’s former sales and marketing duties.


Meanwhile, EMC has confirmed that Mr. Gelsinger would join the company as president of the group overseeing storage, security and content management products.


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