Nexus OneはSony Ericssonの予定だった?

mashable:Sony Ericsson Turned Down Opportunity to Build Google’s Nexus One

HTCがGoogle Nexus Oneのハードウェア提供を行ったのは明らかであるが,
Sony Ericsson社長の新しい声明によると,

It’s common knowledge that HTC is the hardware provider for the Google Nexus One, but new statements by Sony Ericsson’s president indicate that electronics maker Sony Ericsson may have been approached first by Google.

EngadgetによるとBert Nordbergがスウェーデンの記者に伝えたところによると,
「彼の会社はHTCの前にGoogle phoneと言われるものを開発していた...そしてやめてしまった」

Engadget is reporting that Bert Nordberg told a Swedish publisher that “his company was asked to build the so-called Google phone before HTC… and it turned down the opportunity.”

この声明はバルセロナのMobile World Congressで作られたようだ.

We dug up the article in question and it appears that the statements were made at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. An English version of the article can be read via Google Translate.

Nexus Oneの一般的な売上を見ると,その決断は正しかったようだ.
Nexus One開発においてHTCが莫大な評価を受け取ったことから,

Should the remarks prove to be legit, it’s interesting to note that Nordberg appears to stand by the company’s decision and points to branding as a mitigating factor. In light of mediocre Nexus One sales, he might be right. Although it’s hard to discount the fact that HTC received massive publicity for its role in the phone’s development, and its likely that the Google/HTC partnership will yield additional devices and opportunities for both companies in the years ahead.


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